Главная / Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) / 5 класс / Английский язык / Ю.Б. Голицынский / задание: 259
Ответ на задание: 259
Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) Английский язык Ю.Б. Голицынский 5 класс

Английский язык
5 класс
Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-9 класс
Автор: Ю.Б. Голицынский
Изд.: КАРО
Год: 2003-2012
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1. I know that he will come soon. 2. I knew that he would come soon. 3.1 think that she will be sleeping at this time. 4. I thought that she would be sleeping at that time. 5. She thinks that she will have done all the work by five o"clock. 6. She thought that she would have done all the work by five o"clock. 7. I was sure that by ten o"clock he would have learnt the poem. 8. I knew that by nine o"clock mother would have cooked supper and at nine o"clock the whole family would be sitting at the table. I was afraid that I should come too late. 9. She was afraid that her friend would not come. 10. They wrote that they would come soon. 11. I was sure that I should meet him at the station. 12. I think that father will soon write a letter to us. 13. Have you been told that in December we shall write a paper? 14. He understood that he would never forget her. 15. I believe that they will remember us. 16. He says he knows this man.