Главная / Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) / 5 класс / Английский язык / Ю.Б. Голицынский / задание: 315
Ответ на задание: 315
Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) Английский язык Ю.Б. Голицынский 5 класс

Английский язык
5 класс
Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-9 класс
Автор: Ю.Б. Голицынский
Изд.: КАРО
Год: 2003-2012
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1. I thought that he would wait for me. 2. He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to make a report. 3. He told us that when he had entered the room, his friend was already sitting on the sofa. He was reading a newspaper. 4. We hoped that she would come soon. 5. He said that he did not know when the conference would begin. 6. I was sure that if we hurried, we should not miss the train. 7. He asked me what I should do in the evening. I answered that I did not know if I should be free in the evening, but told him that if I was free, I should ring him up about eight o"clock. 8. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass his examinations well. 9. He said that Lev (Leo) Tolstoy was his favourite writer. 10. I knew that you lived in Moscow, but I did not know your address. 11. He said that he would give up smoking. 12. Everybody knew that she would go to Rome. 13. We are sorry, we did not think that you were waiting for us. 14. I did not know that you liked football, too. 15. I was sure that he would be an outstanding actor. 16. I was afraid that you would not follow my advice. 17.1 did not know that you would work in the reading room.