Главная / Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) / 5 класс / Английский язык / Ю.Б. Голицынский / задание: 424
Ответ на задание: 424
Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) Английский язык Ю.Б. Голицынский 5 класс

Английский язык
5 класс
Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-9 класс
Автор: Ю.Б. Голицынский
Изд.: КАРО
Год: 2003-2012
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a)1. The driving wheel of the machine is broken. 2. Driving in a motor car, we passed many villages. 3. Having,been knocked down by a piassing car, the poor roan was at once taken to hospital. 4. You don"t know what you miss, not having the desire to listen to good music. 5. I was told of a great friendship existing between the two captains. 6. There are many discoveries being made all over the world. 7. Seeing this man, I recollected perfectly having met him many years before. b)1. We have every chance of passing our examinations well. 2. Travelling is a pleasant way of improving one"s education. 3. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 4. Asking him for help is useless. 5. Happily we escaped being delayed on our way. 6. Seeing this man, I recollected perfectly having met him many years before. c)1. There happenings are remarkable. 2. Every trust arranges for the marketing of its products.