Главная / Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) / 6 класс / Английский язык / Ю.Б. Голицынский / задание: 492
Ответ на задание: 492
Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) Английский язык Ю.Б. Голицынский 6 класс

Английский язык
6 класс
Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-9 класс
Автор: Ю.Б. Голицынский
Изд.: КАРО
Год: 2003-2012
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1. If you don"t put on your coat, you may fall ill. 2. Don"t leave home: mother may come soon, and she has no key. 3. Be careful: you may fall. 4. Don"t touch the dog: it may bite you. 5. We may go to the country on Sunday. 6. He may forget about it. 7. It may start raining soon. 8. May I come in? 9. May I go for a walk? 10. If your work is ready, you may go home. 11. The teacher said that we might go home. 12. The doctor says that I may bathe already. 13. Father said that we might go to the cinema alone. 14.1 thought that I might watch TV. 15. There is nothing to do here. We may leave early today. 16. He might know the problem, so he might know the answer to this question, but I am not very sure (not quite sure). 17. You may leave now if you wish (want). 18. Where are they living? — They might be living abroad, but I am not so sure.