Главная / Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) / 9 класс / Английский язык / Голицынский, Голицынская / задание: 485
Ответ на задание: 485
Готовые домашние задания (ГДЗ) Английский язык Голицынский, Голицынская 9 класс

Английский язык
9 класс
Грамматика: сборник упражнений 5-9 класс
Автор: Голицынский, Голицынская
Изд.: КАРО
Год: 2003-2012
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1. If he were not so near-sighted, he would have recognized me in the theatre yesterday. 2. She is well. If she were ill, her brother would have told me about it yesterday. 3. You would know much if you read this magazine regularly. 4. If I had learnt about it before, I should not be staying at home now. 5. If my parents were rich, they would have bought me a car long ago. 6. She is very talented. I wish her parents bought her a piano. If she begins to play the piano now, she will become an outstanding musician. 7. If I knew French, I should have spoken to her long ago. 8. If I knew German, I should read Goethe in the original. 9. If I lived near, I should call on you more often. 10. If you had not interrupted us yesterday, we should have finished the work in time. 11. If he had not followed the doctor"s advice, he would not have recovered so soon. 12. If he were not a talented painter, his picture would not have been taken to the exhibition. 13. If you had listened to my advice then (had followed my advice then), you would not be in such a difficult situation now. 14. If I were not so busy these days, I should have helped you yesterday.